Why is training important? by Braunability Europe


Let’s say you were going to have the brakes of your car serviced. You get to choose between a trained technician and an untrained technician. Which one would you choose?

Let's say that the untrained technician wouldn't charge labour cost. Still not interested? The comparison might seem a bit harsh but in reality, is it? The two most common excuses for not participating in training we hear are: "We don't have time for training" "Training costs too much in lost hours and travel expenses". Both are in fact true. Even if the training is free, it does cost both time and money to do training. You will lose billable hours; you will have to pay for travel and accommodation. But not investing in training will also cost you in the end.

Here are 6 good reasons to invest in training.

1. Keep your staff happy

Investing in your staff will make them feel valued. Employees who feel valued by their employer show more pride in their work, make less mistakes and are also more loyal to their employer.

2. Improve your skills

With training you will be able to minimise errors, spend less time troubleshooting and all in all make even better installations.

3. Increase your efficiency

A trained installer will spend less time and effort on an installation. As a result, they will be able to handle more clients over time than an untrained installer. In fact, you might be able to charge less for installation and become a strong competitor on your local market. Training saves you time and it will also make you more money.

4. Make less mistakes

If an untrained installer makes a mistake, the time and sometimes even the material used are lost. The work has to be redone or even worse, a poorly working or potentially dangerous installation has already been delivered to the client.

5. Less expenses

Every mistake made means extra cost in certain areas. New material might have to be used to fix the mistake. More time is spent fixing and rechecking the installation. Although it might be hard to track these costs, they wouldn't be there in a proper installation.

6. Keep your customers happy

Keeping your employees trained can help avoid many mistakes and inefficient labour. Being able to meet or even exceed the quality expectations of your ­customers will help you keep and grow your business. A worst-case scenario would be losing business due to repeated mistakes that could have been avoided with training.


Investing in training means that your employees are learning new skills and techniques. It will improve your company's production, cut time, reduce production costs, reduce mistakes, build confidence in your employees and create a better working environment. An investment in training is an investment in your company.


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