
Rudi Zawatzky

It is with great sadness that we have to publish news of the death of Rudolf Zawatzky, a pioneer in our industry and one of the original team that established the European Mobility Group in the 80s.

EMG is immensely grateful to Rudolf for his tireless work in improving mobility for disabled people, work that is proudly continued and developed by his son Andreas and a legacy of quality that EMG constantly aims to uphold.

Our condolences to Andreas and all his family at this very sad time.

In our previous press release, we explained that many disabled people will effectively get locked out of electric vehicles (EVs). It’s like a perfect storm of unfortunate circumstances, and no single party can solve this. There are possible solutions, but they won’t be easy. They will require co-operation, compromises and problem solving at the highest corporate and government levels.
Evito Flexiramp pro
Almost all of us have heard of the impending doomsday of the ICE age. The Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) has enjoyed being the to go to power plant for vehicles over the past 100+ years. The latest push towards phasing out using fossil fuels globally has lead to numerous countries across the world to outright ban the sales of new ICE vehicles as early as 2026 (Standaard). This decision had sent waves through the automotive industry, having many top tier companies establish partnerships and focus their efforts towards developing and deploying their own Electric Vehicle (EV) platforms to carry them into the next phase of the industry (Morgan Stanley).
Disabled Man in wheelchair charing electric car
As discussed in our previous press release, now that cars are increasingly becoming electric vehicles (EVs), mobility for disabled people should follow. But this is proving to be a difficult transition. Users of vehicle adaptations identified the lack of accessible charging as the most pressing problem. Still, even if this requires a massive European effort, there’s a straightforward solution. Simply put, we need more charging points and they need to be accessible. Unfortunately, the electric transition faces other more complicated issues.