
Disabled Man in wheelchair charing electric car
As discussed in our previous press release, now that cars are increasingly becoming electric vehicles (EVs), mobility for disabled people should follow. But this is proving to be a difficult transition. Users of vehicle adaptations identified the lack of accessible charging as the most pressing problem. Still, even if this requires a massive European effort, there’s a straightforward solution. Simply put, we need more charging points and they need to be accessible. Unfortunately, the electric transition faces other more complicated issues.
MD of BraunAbility Europe
Business Unit President Jan Jensen and the board of directors appointed VP of Operations Europe Martin Iserö to Managing Director of BraunAbility Europe. "With his background in manufacturing and from what I’ve seen of Martin so far, I'm confident that he is the right person for the task and that BraunAbility Europe will continue to thrive with him at the helm." Says Jan Jensen.
Wheelchair user with inaccessible charging station
Currently, the automobile industry is moving away from internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles and pushing towards electric vehicles (EVs). Reuters has calculated that through 2030, global carmakers will spend over 500,000,000,000 USD to develop and build new battery powered vehicles. The European Mobility Group welcomes the electrification of the automotive industry, because we too want to contribute to a healthier planet. But how ready is Europe for this electric revolution?
Alain Bezian and Pascal Condotto

Alain Bezian has been appointed as the new President of ACA France. Pascal Condotto, who set up ACA more than 30 years ago, is stepping down but will continue to work closely with Alain and play an active role in the company's future development. The company issued the text below to announce the appointment.